What to do if a car accident lawyer is not available and you are at fault of a car accident?

If you have unfortunately landed yourself and a situation where you are at fault for a car accident, then you must not lose your nerves and try to stay calm. There are a lot of mistakes at the drivers at the fault of the car accident do that they should not do that can help them in the future.

In this post, we are going to present those mistakes to you so that you know what you should not do in case you get yourself into a car accident. The most important thing to do at that time is to call the services of the Auto accident attorney so that he can take care of the matter and he can speak on your behalf to the other party and the police as well.

But if the lawyer is not available at that time you must keep your head straight and try not to do the following things that can result in more damage than anticipated.

  • Do not get emotional and control your emotions so try not to yell or blame The other driver after the collision has occurred keep yourself calm.
  • Do not talk about the accident a lot to the other party their lawyer or the insurance company of the other party. Instead, give all the honest details to the police and your legal advisor only do not talk to everyone about the accident at all.

  • Even if you are responsible for the accident do not take the blame for the fault and be quiet about it. Your legal advisor can help you with all these things and it can wait until later. So wait it out and do not rush into taking the blame on your head.
  • When you are on the side of the road and you are with the other party after the accident remember that that is not the place where you are going to discuss the settlement of the whole unfortunate event. Do not negotiate on the road rather wait for the legal proceeding of the case.
  • Do not depart from the scene right after the police have made their report. Wait for the other drivers and the other party to leave before you leave as well.

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The Patel Injury Firm & Car Accident Lawyers Austin

611 S Congress Ave Suite 215D
Austin, TX 78704

(512) 883-5171

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